The Biodynamics of Living and Dying
tors 04 apr.
A unique seminar with Michael Kern!

Tid och plats
04 apr. 2024 09:00 – 07 apr. 2024 17:00
Apelgården, 471 73 Apelgården, Sverige
Om evenemanget
We are thrilled to introduce this special semainar with Michael Kern!
This four-day course will explore clinical skills to help with life transitions, grieving and letting go. We will develop skills to work with the elderly and chronically ill, and find ways to support the process of dying as well as those who are left behind. This workshop will provide all Craniosacral practitioners the opportunity to gain confidence and develop life-enhancing skills to support clients at these critical times.
TOPICS COVERED WILL INCLUDE: * End of life care: chronic illness, palliative care * The stages of death and dying -the work of Elizabeth Kübler Ross, Tibetan perspectives * Completing unfinished business - reducing fear, fulfilling wishes, creating a will for dying * Facing death and appreciating life * Death as an ignition process - orienting to the heart, long tide and love; love breathing us * Deconstruction of a solid self - exploring the interchange between the fluid body, tidal body and dynamic stillness * The wholistic shift, stillpoints and letting go * Developing transparency to the motion of creation * Going out with the Tide - entering the void * Working with the “silent partner’ and another pair of hands * Bereavement and grief - revisiting the 3rd ventricle * The ‘Bardos’and ritual practices * Supporting the function of the vagus nerve * Finding meaningin the face of adversity.
Course price: 8600 SEK
COURSE TUTOR: Michael Kern graduated from the College of Osteopaths in 1987, and is a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and Naturopath with a practice in London. He has been teaching Craniosacral Therapy for more than 35 years and is a leading international exponent of the biodynamic approach, regularly running courses in the United Kingdom, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, China, Ukraine and Russia. He is founder of the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust, and was a senior tutor for the College of Osteopaths, International Cranial Association, Centre for Professional Development in Osteopathy and University of Westminster. He is also author of the visionary book 'Wisdom In The Body - The Craniosacral Approach To Essential Health', now available in its 3rd edition and translated into ten languages.
For bookings and further details: Caroline Monthelie Mjörn Apelgården 20 471 73 Mjörn Sweden Tel: 0706 871 871 Email: info@apelgarden.se Website: www.apelgarden.se